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Child Custody Attorney in Kansas City, Kansas

Child custody battles can be one of the most heart-wrenching and challenging experiences a parent can face. A child's well-being is at the top of a parent's concerns, and any unknown about who they are with and who they are with can add extra stress.  

At The Alexander Law Firm, LLC, we understand the importance of the well-being and stability of your children. If you are preparing for a divorce, separation, or any situation that may affect where and how your children will live, it’s important to consult with an experienced family law attorney.

We're committed to standing by your side and offering the legal counsel and emotional support you need during child custody arrangements. Located in Kansas City, Kansas, our family law attorney serves clients throughout Wyandotte County and Johnson County. 

Reach out today to schedule and consultation and see how our firm can help with your child custody needs. 

Child Custody in Kansas 

In Kansas, child custody is determined based on the best interests of the child and focuses on providing a stable, loving, and safe environment for the child. The court looks at various factors to make this determination, including:

  • The child's age

  • The emotional ties the child has with each parent

  • Each parent's ability to provide care

  • Any history of abuse or neglect

At The Alexander Law Firm, LLC, our goal is to help you uphold your rights as a parent while prioritizing your child's welfare. 

Types of Custody 

In Kansas, custody is typically divided into two main categories: legal and physical. 

Legal custody involves the right to make major decisions about a child's upbringing, including education, healthcare, and religious instruction. We can help you advocate for joint legal custody—which allows both parents to share these responsibilities—or sole legal custody if it is in the child’s best interest. 

Physical custody (or residential custody) pertains to the child's primary residence—where the child lives and receives day-to-day care. The court may award joint physical custody, allowing the child to spend significant time with both parents or primary physical custody to one parent with visitation rights for the other. 

How We Approach Child Custody Cases 

Every family’s situation is unique, so we take a personalized approach to each child custody case we handle. At The Alexander Law Firm, LLC, we believe in fostering an environment of cooperation and respect.  

We encourage parents to work together to develop a parenting plan that best serves their child’s needs. However, we also know that court intervention is sometimes necessary when the parents cannot reach an agreement.  

Our experienced child custody attorney is prepared to litigate on your behalf, always aiming to help you achieve a custody arrangement that reflects your child's best interests.

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Creating a Parenting Plan 

A well-structured parenting plan is vital in child custody cases and can help parents reach a civil agreement about their children. This plan outlines how parental responsibilities will be divided and how time will be shared between parents. Some elements of a comprehensive parenting plan include: 

  • Visitation schedules: Detailing regular visitation as well as visitation for holidays, vacations, and special occasions 

  • Decision-making authority: Specifying who will make significant decisions regarding the child's welfare and upbringing

  • Communication protocols: Establishing how parents will communicate about the child’s needs and activities 

  • Dispute resolution: Outlining procedures for resolving disagreements related to custody or parenting time 

We strive to help you draft a parenting plan that reflects your family's values and fosters a positive environment for your child. 

Court Proceedings in Kansas Child Custody Cases 

When parents cannot agree on custody arrangements, the matter may need to be resolved in court. The court will consider various factors to determine the best custody arrangement for the child. These factors may include: 

  • Each parent's involvement in the child's life 

  • The child's relationship with siblings, grandparents, and extended family 

  • The mental and physical health of both parents 

  • Any history of substance abuse, domestic violence, or criminal behavior 

  • The child's wishes, depending on their age and maturity level 

At our firm, our priority is to help you present a compelling case that highlights your strengths as a parent and demonstrates how your proposed custody arrangement aligns with your child’s best interests. 

Modifying Custody Arrangements 

As life circumstances change, so too might the suitability of an existing child custody arrangement. Modifications to custody orders may be necessary due to parental relocation, changes in employment, or shifts in the child’s needs.  

We can help you petition the court for these modifications so your custody order continues to serve your child's best interests. 

Child Custody Mediation 

To reduce conflict and stress, many parents opt for child custody mediation. Mediation is a collaborative process where a neutral third-party mediator helps parents negotiate and agree on custody terms.  

Some benefits of mediation include: 

  • Cost-effectiveness: Mediation is typically less expensive than going to trial 

  • Control: Parents retain more control over the outcome than in a court decision 

  • Reduced conflict: Mediation encourages cooperative problem-solving 

  • Confidentiality: Discussions in mediation are private and not part of the public record 

Our experienced family law attorney is skilled in mediation techniques and can represent you throughout the process. Our goal is to help you feel heard throughout the process so you can advocate for your child. 

Support You Can Depend On 

We understand the emotional and legal complications involved in child custody cases. At The Alexander Law Firm, LLC, our experienced child custody attorney is dedicated to providing compassionate yet assertive representation. We will stand by you through every step of the process, from initial consultations to court proceedings, if necessary. 

We are committed to protecting your rights as a parent while seeking arrangements that promote the well-being and happiness of your child. We pride ourselves on our transparent, communicative approach and we strive to keep you informed and confident about the decisions being made. 

Child Custody Attorney Serving Kansas City, Kansas

At The Alexander Law Firm, LLC, we understand the importance of caring legal support during the creation of child custody arrangements. If you are facing divorce or separation and want to know what's best for your child, contact us to schedule a consultation. We're committed to helping you achieve a custody arrangement that promotes stability, security, and happiness for your child.